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18 May

Discovering The Secrets To Perfectly Grilled Shrimp

Shrimps are perhaps one of the trickiest foods to cook. This is because of the fact that when you are not careful, it can either mean undercooked or overcooked shrimp. It can compromise the flavour too especially when you are grilling it. Not to forget that it can go rubbery when overcooked. With these worries in mind and whilst you have to serve this food for your guests who requested it in your upcoming barbecue party, you might as well learn about solutions that will help you grill shrimp perfectly.

Season the shrimps to make them tastier after grilling

One of the concerns you will have when it comes to grilling shrimp is the seasoning that will bring out the taste you and your guests will want out of it. Well before seasoning the shrimp, you have to prepare it first. If you want to prevent your shrimp from being overcooked or undercooked, there is a better alternative to this technique. Aside from seasoning it with salt, you should season it with a bit of sugar as well. You have to toss the shrimp with the sugar-salt solution before grilling them. You will be amazed how the shrimp will taste perfectly afterwards.

Try baking soda

Aside from the sugar-salt solution to make browning better for the shrimp, it will be good to consider a combination that will preserve moisture and crispiness of the shrimp meat. You will be able to achieve that by tossing the shrimp in a blend of salt and baking soda and leaving it there for about 15 minutes before cooking them. Salt does the moisture preservation whilst baking soda takes charge of giving the shrimp that firm, crisp texture once grilled.

Don't get rid of the peel

We all think that peeling the shrimp will make eating them easier later on once they are grilled. Well, who will not want ease when eating these 'crustaceans'? Whilst this is a good idea, you have to remember that achieving perfectly grilled shrimp is to have the peel on when cooking them. These shells will prevent you from overcooking the meat whilst also making sure that all the flavours remain intact when grilling them. Some of you may even want to eat the grilled shells.

Always pay attention to your grilling method

Many of you find comfort in using skewers to grill your shrimp so you will not have to scald your skin in case you turn the shrimp to the other side. Some of you provide space in between each piece of meat to maximise cooking and to bring out best results. But experts say that it is better to put the pieces tightly in the skewer. This will give you more time to cook the exteriors of the meat without necessarily overcooking them.

If you want your shrimp to be juicy, you have to keep it dry

Many of you may think that keeping the shrimp's natural moisture is the key to keeping it moist all throughout. You have to remember that putting a damp skewer over the grill will result to rubbery shrimp after. It will be better to get your paper towels to remove dampness from the shrimp. If you have the luxury of time to wait for the dampness to be removed, you can put the skewers atop a baking dish then place it inside the refrigerator for about one hour. This will dry the shrimp out naturally and will keep it moist when grilling.

For your next barbecue weekend with friends, why not show off what you have learnt here and add shrimp to your BBQ menu. Aside from shrimp, there are many other foods you can add to your menu. Make your task simpler by using our services for BBQ catering in Toronto!

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