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19 Jan

Tips On Keeping Your Barbecue Food Warm During BBQ Parties

If you intend to host a barbecue dinner or lunch in the near future, one of the details you need to be very sure about is how to make sure that the food you serve will be warm enough when you do so. This might not seem like a legitimate concern, but it is in fact one thing that you can’t afford to ignore. If you serve the barbecue when it’s too cold, the people eating it are more likely to get infection, since there might have been enough time for the bacteria to proliferate in it. In addition to that, barbecued cuts of meat that have become cold might turn out to not be visually appealing anyway. This is particularly so if they have some fat, which might start congealing if it is heated and then left to cool.

To avoid this, you will need to adopt a clear strategy on how to ensure that the food will be warm by the time the guests arrive and start eating it. To help you in doing this, some of the things you should consider include:

Work with a reliable barbecue caterer

The quality of the caterer will go a long way in determining just how successful you are with this venture. Most of the very experienced caterers will have a lot of background information about issues such as how long it takes to cook specific cuts of meat, how long they can stay warm without reheating and how best to reheat them without making them too dry. They are therefore the best resource for you to use when you need to come up with any other strategy to ensure that the food is kept warm for as long as is necessary. In fact, simply choosing the right caterer will definitely make the rest of the decision making process easier, since you can then rely on them for the information you need.

Understand the timelines of the event you are planning

If you are planning an event such as a corporate meeting or a birthday and want to offer barbecue catering, the timeline of events should be understood for you to come up with an idea of how to keep the food warm. It is always important to have even a rough idea, rather than no data at all regarding this. For instance, if it turns out that the event will commence in the morning but that people will start eating around late afternoon, it means that you can ask the caterer to start grilling the food later on. For instance, they can start grilling ribs two hours before the event ends, so that by the time your guests have the time to eat they will find fresh food available.

Of course, you could decide to instruct the caterer to start doing the barbecuing early in the morning, but this only means that the food might not be as hot as it should be by the time people start eating it. You can also use this to adjust the cooking methods. For instance, if it turns out that the food will be eaten later, you could adopt a slow cooking style. This may make the barbecue taste better, and will also keep it warm.

Have enough fuel

One of the reasons why some of the barbecue might go cold is when your guests turn up later than expected, and you run out of fuel to keep the food warm. This mostly happens if you decide to host the barbecue in the outdoors, in a location where it might not be easy to get more fuel. To avoid this, you should consider stocking up on a bit more fuel. If you consult a quality caterer to handle the party for you, they are likely to do this based on past experience. This is yet another reason why you should always work with such professional BBQ catering providers like us.


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